Medicine case discussion
38 year old female came to casualty with complaints of giddiness since 2 days and headache since 2 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 year back, then she developed giddiness which is on and off and not associated with palpitations, shortness of breath, blackouts, chestpain, sweating, blurring of vision, decreased urine output. 6 months back, she had sudden onset of giddiness followed by fall with fracture of nasal bone. ENT opinion was taken and on conservative management. She complaints of headache since 6 months which is on and off and holocranial not associated with nausea and vomitings. She had history of trauma 2 years back for that she went for checkup and diagnosed as DM type 2. Patient had history of pedal edema 1 year back and said to have? Renal problem. No history of tingling and numbness of foot. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS Known case of diabetes since 2 years No h/o HTN, Bronchial asthma, Tuberculosis. TREATMENT ...