Short case
A 52 year old male farmer by occupation presented to the opd with chief complaints of Bilateral swelling in lower limbs since 3 days The patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back then he developed bilateral swelling over legs since 1 week is which started near the foot and gradually progressed to the knee. It was pitting type which resolved in between and again started 3 days back. He had similar complaints in the past for which he went to a local hospital and was advised on taking salt and water restricted diet. Patient on telmesartan for hypertension since 2 years. He is a chronic alcoholic and smoker. Examination : Bilateral pedal edema pitting type found till knee on general examination. Respiratory system: bilateral air entry present and normal vesicular breath sounds heard CVS examination : No thrills, s1 s2 heard, no murmurs. Abdomen examination : no hepatomegaly or splenomegaly. No positive findings found other than edema. Investigations : RFT Hemogram LF...